For starters, I would like to say
a few things about myself to set the record straight. I have a Masters
degree in Quantum Field Theory, am working on my PhD in the same,
and am a practicing, if tyro, shaman
PLATO has preserved for us the history
of Atlantis. If our views are correct, it is one of the most valuable
records which have come down to us from antiquity. Plato lived 400
years before the birth of Christ.
WE come now to another question: "Did
the Aryan or Japhetic race come from Atlantis?" If the Aryans are
the Japhetic race, and if Japheth was one of the sons of the patriarch
who escaped from the Deluge, then assuredly,
Florida is a state full of legends
and mysteries. The Fountain of Youth was sought after by Pounce
de Leon when he arrived there, in what today is Saint Augustine,
on April 2,1513. The Satan Tree which was said to drip...
In 1998 I unleashed a firestorm on
the world wide web by meticulously placing an article written about
the Grand Canyon in 1909 on my website. It generated more email
on the subject then anyone else I had ever chosen.
Hypnosis is a state of focused awareness.
It is something everyone has experienced countless times; among
instances of it are waking up or getting absorbed in a good book.
The characteristics of the state vary; it...
THE association of the name of the
god Seth with the Great Pyramid—a structure which appears to embody
or to bear a relation to the chief scientific truths recognised
by the ancient world, throws light on certain ideas...
IT is difficult for this age to estimate
correctly the profound effect produced upon the religions,philosophies,
and sciences of antiquity by the study of the planets, luminaries,
and constellations. Not without adequate reason...
Institutions of higher learning have
spent the last several hundred years perpetuating what may be the
greatest lie ever told. Believing that their methodology holds the
key to understanding everything in the universe...
There is the truth of God--God's power.
This truth cannot be destroyed by anything. This power is God's
beauty. It is His qualities, His justice, and His peacefulness.
It is the love and compassion which He bestows...
ATLANTIS is the subject of a short
but important article appearing in the Annual Report of the Board
of Regents of The Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June
30th, 1915. The author, M. Pierre Termier,
EACH of the four primary elements
as taught by the early philosophers has its analogue in the quaternary
terrestrial constitution of man. The rocks and earth correspond
to the bones and flesh; the water